
Uncompromised Performance Tailored for Your EV Journey

Unleash the Power of Private Charging. Seamless Control, Intelligent Insights, and Customized Efficiency for Your EV Oasis.


How Evnity helps


Access Control and Security

Enhance security and control access to private charger with our EV charging app solution. Authorize specific users such as residents, employees, or guests and prevent misuse for peace of mind.


Usage Monitoring and Reporting

Effortlessly monitor and analyze charging activity with our EV charging app. Gain insights into usage patterns, energy consumption, and station performance for effective management.


Convenient Charging Session Management

Take charge of your charging sessions with our EV charging app. Start, stop, and monitor sessions remotely, and receive timely notifications for hassle-free charging management.


Payment and Billing

Simplify payments and billing with our EV charging app. Seamlessly process payments, track charging session details, and generate invoices automatically. Set pricing and tariffs to ensure fair compensation and streamline your revenue management.


Reservation and Scheduling

Effortlessly manage charging availability with our app. Enable users to reserve and schedule charging sessions, ensuring convenient access to your private charger. Optimize charging infrastructure usage and provide a seamless experience for EV owners.


User Management and Authentication

Manage user access with our app. Create accounts, set permissions, and ensure secure authentication for your private charging station. Restrict access to authorized individuals, providing security and peace of mind.


Integration with Smart Home Systems

Integrate charging controls with your smart home system. Sync and manage charging operations seamlessly with other connected devices for a streamlined experience.


Remote Monitoring and Notifications

Monitor your charging station remotely with real-time notifications. Stay informed about charging status and address any issues promptly for reliable and available charging services.

Our Featured Blog Post

If you sell & install EV chargers, operate a charging network, or manage a large fleet, learn about our enterprise software and white-label solutions.

Smart Charging Infrastructure: AI’s Contribution to EV Charging

The electric vehicle industry is now called upon to entirely replace fossil fuel...

Revolutionising Electric Vehicle Charging: The Power of Advanced EV Charging Software

An EV charging software is a program that allows EV charging operators and e-mob...

Data-Driven Strategies To Scale Your EV Charging Services

The rise of electric vehicles (EV) is really taking off, and it's bringing great...

EV Charging Management Software Cost

Looking to manage your EV charging stations cost-effectively? Learn about the pr...

Optimize Your EV Charging Infrastructure With Data Analytics

Unlock the full potential of your EV charging infrastructure with data analytics...